The Bathroom Project Part 1

You should be thrilled to know that I’m muscling my way into being handy.  Well I’m taking baby steps, so having a caulk applicator thing is already making me feel like a man.  I’ve taken on a project to turn an ugly bathroom into a bathroom I’m not embarrassed by.  This involves a lot of cleaning, scraping, filling, hammering, painting and replacing.

I’m more of a settler than a perfectionist so I doubt I’ll make much of a drastic change.  All I know is that by re-grouting shower tile, I’m already feeling like I can do anything… like building a house…for birds…stuff like that.

I hesitated to post this picture because it doesn't look too bad here.

Purchases will include a new shower rod, curtain, shower head, hand towels and a few other minor accessories.  Donations will include a storage dresser, some pictures to hang up and I’m crossing my fingers for a roll of toilet paper.  I’m thinking about replacing the toilet also.  I don’t like either of the two I have at my place.  I can’t really explain it, I just don’t like them.  Plus this video made replacing a toilet look so simple.  I’ll update when progress is made.

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